There are big changes coming in my life this week. This is the week, I quit my part time job in favor of doing in home child care. I will also be taking my real estate exam this week (please pray for a passing grade). Change is not my thing, and I'm quite scared about it all.
Good Morning, It is friend making Monday, go on over to Kasey's website here; and join in the fun!
1. jog or walk: walk
2. coffee or tea: tea (sweet)
3. pepsi or coca cola: pepsi
4. flats or heels: flats
5. fries or onion rings: fries (with ranch)
6. cats or dogs: dogs
7. skim or whole: whole
8. small purses or large: large
9. van or suv: truck
10. winter or summer: winter
11. 1 piece bathing suit or 2: 1!!!
12. sit down restaurant or fast food: sit down
13. McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
14. White Gold or Yellow: yellow
15. Fish or Chicken: Fish
16. Edward or Jacob:
17. Pizza or Burger: Both!
18. apple or orange: orange
19. Spend or save: Spend (however my husband is a saver!)
20. 1 story or 2 story house: 2 story
An Update For Friends of Vee
1 year ago