
Monday, June 28, 2010

25 YEARS!!!

Today, marks the day, 25 years ago, that I married my husband, Todd. I would love to say that it's been 25 years of wedded bliss, but, most of you, married, know that not every day, nor every year is always great...For the most part, our marriage has been wonderul. We are blessed to have two children, and have had the previledge, of having several foster children in and out over the years. We continue to be blessed to live in this country, have good job, and a roof over our heads. I love my husband more now than ever. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MR. TODD CUNDIFF!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wow, look at this...

Thanks to hubby who helped me photograph this!
Ok, I have a ton of orange day-lillies!

But nothing like this...

the stem on this day-lillie is about 56 inches!


Almost five foot, when I stand next to it,

I'm eye level with bloom (and, I'm 5'4"). Awesome!!

The bloom(s) are just beautiful!!

I hope you all have an Awesome weekend!

And remember, to see the beauty in all things!!

Love, Kimberly