
Monday, February 16, 2009

big changes

There are big changes coming in my life this week. This is the week, I quit my part time job in favor of doing in home child care. I will also be taking my real estate exam this week (please pray for a passing grade). Change is not my thing, and I'm quite scared about it all.

Good Morning, It is friend making Monday, go on over to Kasey's website here; and join in the fun!

1. jog or walk: walk
2. coffee or tea: tea (sweet)
3. pepsi or coca cola: pepsi
4. flats or heels: flats
5. fries or onion rings: fries (with ranch)
6. cats or dogs: dogs
7. skim or whole: whole
8. small purses or large: large
9. van or suv: truck
10. winter or summer: winter
11. 1 piece bathing suit or 2: 1!!!
12. sit down restaurant or fast food: sit down
13. McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
14. White Gold or Yellow: yellow
15. Fish or Chicken: Fish
16. Edward or Jacob:
17. Pizza or Burger: Both!
18. apple or orange: orange
19. Spend or save: Spend (however my husband is a saver!)
20. 1 story or 2 story house: 2 story

Monday, February 9, 2009

Friend Makin' Monday

Good Morning, It is friend making Monday, go on over to Kasey's website here; and join in the fun!

Here is me:

1) My favorite book is: The Bible

2) I drive a: Ford F150 Double Cab Truck

3) My favorite type of food to eat is: Mexican

4) My favorite dessert is: pie

5) My favorite movie is: Red Dawn

6) When I go to Starbucks I get a: Never been there

7) My favorite vegetable is: Green Beans and Corn on the Cob

8) My favorite thing to wear is: Rocky Mountain Jeans, boots, and a tee-shirt

9) My favorite color is: Green, I like purple and red too

10) I decorate my house in this style: Western and Chickens

11) Right now I am reading: Who has time to read?

12) If I could vacation anywhere I would go to: Montana

Have an awesome day. Kimberly

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is the laundry area done. Looks good. It also serves as M's closet.
These next pics are the area before the clean up/re-organization.

Here are some before and after pics of the laundry area. It is very visible in my house, and I gave it a good cleaning and re-organizing. Thanks for looking. Kimberly

Stressed about money

I am so stressed about money, especially the price (cost) of groceries. I went over my $100 budget again last night. The tears were almost flowing in Wal Mart. I don't know what to do. Does anybody have any ideas? I feed four people, including two teenagers. We eat very modestly. Nothing fancy. I make my own laundry stuff, noodles, and biscuits. Help. Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks. Kimberly

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today's Thrift Store Finds

Good Afternoon; these are some pictures of the thrift store finds for today. First is a shelf. Looks like a bathroom shelf. The hinged part opens up. It is really cute. Don't have a clue what I'm doing with it. But I will get a picture when I decide where to hang it.

Next, is this hanger that has a pocket inside for flowers or whatever. I thought it looked very springy...that is what I will be decorating the house for after Valentine's Day.

This is a neat old sprinkler bottle with metal top with holes for sprinkling laundry to be ironed. It has cork-board stopper. Fabulous bottle. Below is the whole bottle.

That is it for now. Back to cleaning the bedroom! Fun Fun.
Have an awesome day. Kimberly

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The house is clean!

We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I even got the two teenagers to help. That is a miracle in itself. I worked mostly on the kitchen! I have given you a couple of updated pictures. I forgot to take before pics (sorry!) but this is top of fridge and shelf after major over-hauling. The mirror on the top of fridge is an old beveled mirror my mom got for me, and I want it to look like curtains are haning with it, haven't quite got that right yet, and the shelves are full of some of my chickens!!
We had a very productive weekend.
The weather here this weekend was good, but I think it is supposed to get colder again.
I hope every body had a great weekend. Please feel free to comment, and or visit again. Have an awesome day!! Kimberly